

    Successful Defense of Master’s Theses in Accounting

    Successful Defense of Master’s Theses in Accounting

    Today, August 31, 2024, at the conference room of Campus 1, Lac Hong University (LHU), 13 Accounting students successfully completed and defended their master's theses. The defense session took place in a formal and academic atmosphere, marking a significant milestone in the academic and research journey of the students.

    The thesis defense council consisted of leading experts in the field of Accounting, providing in-depth and valuable evaluations. Members of the council included: Dr. Lu Phi Nga – Dean of the Graduate School, Lac Hong University; Dr. Nguyen Quoc Huy and Dr. Nguyen Van Hai – both from Lac Hong University; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Duc Long – from the School of Business, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Duc Dung – from University of Economics and Law, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City; and Dr. Nguyen Van Dung – from Eastern Technology University. The participation of these experts not only ensured objectivity but also fostered an environment of in-depth academic discussion and critique, helping the students further refine their research.

    The theses presented focused on current and practical issues in the field of Accounting. Each topic was carefully selected, aiming not only to address real-world problems but also to contribute to theoretical knowledge and applications in the industry. Topics included: internal control of tax refund processes, improving accounting systems at banks/enterprises/investment funds, enhancing accounting information systems, strengthening internal control systems, and studying factors influencing the choice of accounting services.

    The defense provided students with the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to apply acquired knowledge to real-life situations. Through detailed presentations, the students showcased strong analytical skills and flexible application of accounting theories and tools in solving complex problems. Their research outcomes were not only theoretically valuable but also offered specific, feasible solutions that could be directly applied in businesses and financial organizations.

    The council highly appreciated the creativity, thorough preparation, and practical applicability of the research topics. The students not only met the requirements of a master’s thesis but also exceeded the council's expectations in terms of originality and deep understanding of the research issues. This reflects their continuous efforts throughout their study, research, and preparation for the defense.

    At the end of the session, the council unanimously approved and highly evaluated all 13 theses. These achievements are not only a source of pride for the students but also a testament to the high quality and reputation of postgraduate education at Lac Hong University.

    Although the thesis defense has concluded, the knowledge and experiences gained by the students during their academic journey will continue to accompany them, contributing to the advancement of the accounting profession in the future.

    Below are some photos capturing the memorable moments of the defense session:

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